
English Tools


Welcome to this page! This will be a collection of useful resources and information about the English language. I created it mainly for me to use as a reference tool. I hope it helps you too. Feel free to use it!

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English introduction

Please consume all information without guarantee. Hope you have fun using it! ;-)

Created by Michi von Ah


Present simple

Present simple is used to describe events in the present.

Present simple timeline
Person Form
I, You, We, They Infinitve
He, She, It Infinitve + s


  • I cook some noodles for lunch.
  • You learn english!
  • He buys new clothes every september.

Present continous

Present continous is used to describe events that have already started and are still going on.

Present continous timeline
Person Form
I, You, He, She, It, We, They to be + verb-ing


  • I am shopping for my birthday.
  • You are studying for the exam next week.
  • He is cooking a meal for today.

Past simple

Past simple is used to describe events that began and ended in the past.

Past simple timeline
Person Form
Any verb: I, You, He, She, It, We, They verb + ed (verb 3)*
Verb: to be (Person I, He, She, It) was
Verb: to be (Person You, We, They) were


  • I asked my teacher about the life of animals.
  • You studied for the exam today
  • He was in church last Friday.

Past continous

Past continuous is used to describe events that took place in the past and lasted for a certain time, but are now over.

Past continous is sometimes also called past progressive.

Past continous timeline
Person Form
I, He, She, It was + verb-ing
You, We, They were + verb-ing


  • I was reading the new book from Lewis Caroll.
  • You were baking while I watched some shows on netflix.
  • He was studying for a long time.

Past perfect

Past perfect is used as example for conditionals and wishes.

Past perfect timeline
Person Form
I, You, He, She, It, We, They had + verb 3*/past participle


  • I had played soccer before I came home yesterday.
  • You had learned english for the exam last Tuesday.
  • She had waited a long time for the new jeans to arrive.

*Verb 3 means the form of verb ending with -ed except for the irregular verbs. Also known as past participle.


Types of Conditionals this section covers:

  • Conditionals 2
  • Conditionals 3
  • Mixed conditionals 2 + 3

Please notice the rule:

Second conditional

The second conditional (2) is used to describe a unlikely or unreal situation in the present or in future.

Thid Conditional

The third conditional form (3) is used to describe a situation from the past.

Mixed conditionals

Mixed conditionals in the form of 2 + 3 are used to if we want to describe a unreal situation from the preset which could had an effect on the past.

A mix of the conditional 3 + 2 is used when we want to describe a situation from the past which would had an impact on a situation in the present.

Form & Examples

Conditional Form Example
2 If + past simple + would + infinitve If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.
3 If + past perfect + would have + verb 3 If I had studied for the exam, I would have received a better grade.
2 + 3 (mixed) Second conditional + third conditional If I had a newer phone, I wouldn't have missed your call yesterday.
3 + 2 (mixed) Third conditional + second conditional If I had charged my phone yesterday, I wouldn't need to charge it now.


Sentences with wish and if only were used when we talk about things we want to change.

We have two types of wish sentences.

  • I wish for something I can change (present)
  • I wish for something someone other can change (present)
  • I wish that something is different that happend in the past. (past)

Take a look at the following table:

Type of the wish Form Example
Present: I can change it wish/if only + past tense I wish I could swim.
Present: Someone else can change it wish + would I wish they would buy a new oven.
Past: I wish that something happend different wish/if only + past perfect I wish I had come to work earlier today.

After a would you always have to use present simple if you write about a thing you want to be changed.

Some more examples

  • I wish we had a bigger office.
  • I wish the internet speed here was faster.
  • I wish the sun would shine.
  • He wishes I would work less.
  • I wish I had bought a cat when I was little.


For more information please visit the following link


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The following resources/libraries were used for this project:

  • CSS3 Patterns Gallery - projects.verou.me/css3patterns
  • Pixabay - pixabay.com
  • Animate on Scroll Library - michalsnik.github.io/aos
  • Akar Icons - akaricons.com
  • Google Fonts - fonts.google.com

Informational ressources

Ressources I used while researching english grammar, tenses, forms, etc.: